FP Advance Founder Brett Davidson on the Becoming Referable Podcast


This week’s guest on Becoming Referable is the Founder of FP Advance, Brett Davidson, who joins us from the UK.  His mission is to help advisors  organize their businesses and lives  in a way that allows greater enjoyment and longevity in their careers, and builds greater credibility with clients as a result. He’s a regular contributor to some of the UK’s leading industry publications, and also features insights on his weekly blog.

Brett has a quite the aspirational story to share: He and his wife recently sold most of their belongings and traveled globally for 15 months globally and their business didn’t skip a beat.  He firmly believes that, with the right technology and a clear plan,  can create similar lives for themselves He talks to us about specific ways to start that process.

We go on to discuss common hurdles advisors face when establishing their value proposition. Brett has some pointed and important questions to ask yourself, to determine if you know who you are truly serving and whether you have fundamentals of business building nailed down. He draws on his own story to help advisors see the breaking point at which change should be made in the business. This all dovetails nicely into how clients perceive your commitment to growth, and refer more because of it.

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