Funding contentment and the Geometry of Wealth – Brian Portnoy on the Becoming Referable podcast


Happy New Year from the Becoming Referable podcast!

We wanted to kick off 2019 with a favorite speaker and author of ours, Brian Portnoy. As Director of Investment Education at Virtus Investment Partners, Brian works with financial advisors and individual investors to make smarter decisions and achieve better life outcomes. In all his work he emphasizes the practical benefits of understanding the intersection of human psychology and modern capitalism, much of which he lays out in his books The Investor’s Paradox and The Geometry of Wealth.

As you’ll hear, Brian has a keen eye on the future of our industry, and where the true value that advisors will need to provide going forward. We talk to him about how advisors can talk to clients about creating a meaningful journey, staring with the fundamental difference between being rich and being wealthy. He lays out the high-level principles we need to understand about how we experience happiness and the myths to avoid. Make sure you listen for the four C’s that drive contentment. Brian uses these to help advisors develop a framework for a financial plan that’s focused on what matters most in clients’ lives. He challenges you to have a very different kind of conversation with your clients, one that is based in leading science and will result in increased satisfaction, loyalty and referrals.

Click here to listen to the episode, and make sure you’re subscribed for future updates.

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