Produce more marketing by breaking it up – The Becoming Referable podcast

You want to be recognized for your unique expertise and client experience. And to do that, you need content. A growing collection of information that reinforces what is different about you. But who has the time? How do you fit authoring original material into the packed schedule of an advisor and business owner?

One secret is to increase the mileage you get out of everything you produce. It still takes time to create. However, if you’re small ideas roll up into bigger ones or if you have a longer work that can be divided down into a collection of messages that can be promoted separately, you can dramatically increase the return on the investment of your time.

In this week’s episode, we discuss how to amp up your content strategy by repurposing content.  It’s a strategy that will not only help you limit your investment of time, but add significant value for your clients.

We begin the discussion with ways to efficiently utilize content by adopting strategies for repurposing content from work you have already created. As we break down these concepts, we highlight the need to focus on what you are good at by creating a roadmap to build your content into something bigger. We then look at the reverse scenario to uncover many tips and tricks to break down bigger pieces of content into bite-sized communications and how you can leverage the audience of others to increase our reach.

It is a great discussion that will help you uncover ways you can leverage meaningful content in less time to truly connect with your clients and generate referrals.

Click here to listen and do provide your feedback on what you hear!


One thing for sure – every communication you send out – blog post, newsletter, social comment, broadcast email – should reinforce what is special and different about you. Here’s a checklist you can use on any item you send out. Answer enough of these questions “yes” and you can be sure it is adding to the cumulative value of your marketing. Download your free copy here:

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